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Review in lingua Italiana

Le leggende fiemmesi sull'iPad

In valle di Fiemme è stato realizzato uno dei primi libri digitali, forse uno dei primi in Trentino su piattaforma iPad. L'idea è di un giovane laureato in informatica di Molina di Fiemme, Dario Cavada, che ha portato le leggende locali sul web e ora anche sulla nuova piattaforma digitale: il tutto accompagnato da una musica piacevole e accattivante e dalle illustrazioni dell'artista Tomaso Baldassarra che ha scritto e illustrato anche i libri con le storie su versione cartacea.

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Eliseo e la Creatura dal Manto Blu

Eccomi nuovamente a parlare di audiofiabe per i vostri bambini, anche se questa fiaba è indicata maggiormente per quelli più grandicelli che sicuramente rimarranno colpiti dai fantastici mondi che esploranno leggendo la fiaba di Eliseo. (...)

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Eliseo e la Creatura dal Manto Blu

Si tratta di una favola multimediale ambientata in val di Fiemme (Trentino). Ispirata alla magia del bosco, come tanto tempo fa, quando la fantasia si inerpicava fra i rami degli abeti, curiosava nella tana di uno scoiattolo fino a lasciarsi travolgere dalle acque irrequiete di una cascata. (...)

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Review in lingua Inglese

Eliseo and the Creature with the Blue Fur – Fantasy Story

Eliseo and the Creature with the Blue Fur is a storybook app original that is a true fantasy with magicians, magic potions and dragons.It is a detailed story of Eliseo who grapples with a bumbling magician who can only be saved by a magic potion that needs a hair from the Creature with the Blue Fur.The story is accompanied by unique, hand-painted illustrations, some animation and sound effects.It was originally written in Italian but is also available in English.I would recommend it for an older independent reading age, 6-12 years old, since the story is much longer that most storybook apps and not narrated.

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Eliseo and the Creature with the Blue Fur - Magical iPad App

Looking for a new way to tell your kid's some stories? A new experience can be achieved through this book called Eliseo and the Creature with Blue Fur with your iPad or iPad 2. The pages come alive and it will seem like you finish your books in no time. Your kids will experience, imagine, and visualize the stories they read after they read Eliseo. So what is this story about? You would have to find out the details once you read the book. However, we can say that it is a mixture between fantasy and reality, providing a refreshing experience for kids and adults alike. (...)

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Eliseo and the Creature with the Blue Fur

What's the best way to read a story to your children or to have them read? Could it be by just giving them the book for them to visualize what's going on? What if they're too small to visualize what is being read? Well Eliseo is a great app for your iPad or iPad 2, since it brings the excitement of the story to life in just a few steps. From leaves blowing, to creatures bursting through the pages, this book is just the start of a great idea.The book doesn't take up extra space in your kid's room and you will never lose it, which also saves paper. (...)

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